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Cloud fonts in Office - Microsoft Support Use cloud fonts to make sure your slides and documents look the same, no matter where you open them or who else views them Cloud fonts are fonts hosted in the cloud by Microsoft 365, and are available in the latest versions of Office applications (see the Cloud fonts availability table, below)
Crop a picture to fit in a shape - Microsoft Support With Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, or Excel, you can easily change the outline of a photo by turning it into a shape like a circle or a rounded rectangle The Crop to Shape feature provides options for cropping an image to a specific shape or starting with a shape and then inserting an image within it Windows macOS Web
Cloud fonts in Office - Microsoft Support Use cloud fonts to make sure your slides and documents look the same, no matter where you open them or who else views them Cloud fonts are fonts hosted in the cloud by Microsoft 365, and are available in the latest versions of Office applications (see the Cloud fonts availability table, below)