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Accelerate B2B Sales Performance - Koncert Koncert empowers sales reps by giving the sales team what they need to consistently exceed their quota: an integrated, all-in-one suite of tools that puts sales reps in front of their prospects at the relevant time with 1-to-1 personalized message and in an accelerated mode
Koncert Reviews 2025: Details, Pricing, Features - G2 Koncert is a B2B Sales Engagement platform designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of sales teams through advanced dialer technology With over 12 years of experience in the industry, Koncert focuses on leveraging artificial intelligence to facilitate more meaningful conversations and build robust sales pipelines
Salesfloor - Workspace – Koncert Koncert’s Remote Salesfloor is a unique feature designed to bring the traditional salesfloor workspace experience into the virtual realm It allows your sales teams to collaborate, connect, coach, and engage like never before, all within a virtual environment
Getting Started with Salesforce - Koncert Sign Up with Koncert Workspace lets Salesforce users get started quickly with Koncert It simplifies the process of creating your Org and User accounts in the Koncert platform This reduces assistance from Support so your users can get started immediately
Getting Started – Koncert How do I log into the Koncert portal? Two-step Authentication for Standalone users; How do I logout of Koncert portal? How do I switch from Dialers to Cadence? What is the difference between AIPD, AIFD, AAD, FD CD?